— 🇺🇸 Antoine Tucker for U.S. Senate (@montaga) July 1, 2021
ShareGas prices will continue to rise because Biden doesn’t have the brass and the wherewithal to take on OPEC as they manipulate the ebb and flow of the global petroleum supply in effect causing inflationary side effects in the US economy. 🤦🏾 https://t.co/0X5LVq1riR
— 🇺🇸 Antoine Tucker for U.S. Senate (@montaga) July 1, 2021
Sharegonna be hilarious when the RCV run they do Wednesday is like a tenth of a percentage point different from the bad Tuesday one
— Ben Max (@TweetBenMax) June 30, 2021
ShareIf Biden is elected, there's a good chance you will be dead within the year.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 1, 2020
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